My Name Was “Victim Of Life” At Age 4
Let’s Play “The Game Of Smile”
My motto in life? Be Yourself! Only this way can you be authentic!
Gabriela humailo
WHO did I discover at age 4? Myself! When I saw my image for the first time in a small mirror.
gabriela humailo
WHAT did I understand at age 4? That I am Unique! And I live my own “normality”!
Gabriela Humailo
WHAT did I discover at age 4? The Power of Choosing! Since then, I choose my answers and labels to wear in life!
gabriela humailo
WHICH is my best advice for you? You were born with the Power of Choosing! Use it and Choose Yourself!
gabriela humailo
My Real Destiny Was Caused At My Birth By A “Dizzy” Doctor
My Story, “One Choice of Life: I Choose,” began in a communist country, Romania, in June 1968.
In that period, communism started to grow and flourish.
But access to information or technique was censured and strictly limited to a few people.
On that day, the doctor charged to assist my mom at birth was called from a wedding, and he was unhappy because of that.
And at my birth, he used a procedure that was not allowed anymore for a long time.
He snatched out my legs from the pelvis, transforming me from a healthy child into a special needs child.
And he stuck on me the label: Physically Handicapped Person.
My Childhood
I spent most of my childhood in different hospital beds between children and adults with broken bones or deformed bodies and feeling horrible pains, like me.
So I considered myself “lucky” that I had “only this!”
I began to observe and understand adults’ ways of thinking from an early age.
They always talked about their painful life. But they dreamed of a happy, free, and fulfilled life.
Even if I grew up surrounded by physical and sentimental pains, I was protected from disappointments and emotional conflicts.
But I learned to accept and manage those pains.
Also, my conclusion was that every person considers their pain the “most painful,” and we can’t compare our pain to what others feel.
So I stopped comparing myself with others.
My Name Was “Victim Of Life” At Age 4
But around the age of four, the first turning point moment of my life happened.
Which completely changed my life’s path and achievements, as no one could foresee or dream.
The statistics and the people named me a Victim of Life.
Of course, I had no idea what a victim meant at that age.
And no one told me the meaning of this word (this was another “luck”).
But it didn’t sound well, and the feeling was overwhelming.
So I rejected it instantly.
You know, in my childish mind, my thought was:
“My name is Gabriela! Why do they call me a Victim?“
And I looked at “my normality” as much as my body permitted me, but I didn’t understand.
How A Mirror Changed My Life
At one moment, someone gave me a small mirror, and that moment was the beginning of my new life.
When I looked in the mirror, I saw two curious eyes and a shy and scared face of a little girl whose only dream was to walk through life on her own feet.
Then, a little bit scared, I looked around as far as the mirror could show me, but I saw only the little girl image, and I said:
“Don’t worry! I will take care of you, don’t worry!“
I felt responsible for the shy and scared little girl with her dream of walking on her own feet.
My First Emotional Pain
Then, suddenly, a strange and overwhelming feeling invaded my body and mind because both had refused to accept the Victim label.
And my inner conflict made me ask myself:
“How can I tell the little girl from the mirror that I am a Victim when I promised to protect her?“
And I started to search for answers and solutions because I couldn’t disappoint her.
My First Choice Of Life
Then, one day, full of hope, I innocently asked:
“Can I choose NOT to be a victim?“
And at that moment, there was total silence in the hospital room.
Because all were shocked, and no one could give me an answer, even my mom.
Then, MY ANSWER was a big YES, and I felt such relief.
Also, the first smile I remember appeared on my face.
Then I said YES to I CHOOSE the labels I wear in life. And NO to what OTHERS CHOOSE for me.
And I said NO to LIFE AS VICTIM. And YES to MY WAY of living life.
And instantly, I decided to use my first “Choice of Life: I Choose” as much as possible.
What Did I Discover At Age 4?
The Power of Choosing!
And all my child instincts made me understand this Power of Choosing.
That “One Choice of Life: I Choose” completely changed my life.
Since then, I CHOOSE my answers and labels to wear in life!
Magic Of Smile
Starting from that “Choice of Life: I Choose,” I smile all the time.
It is my way of being and is my state of mind.
I feel complete and in harmony with myself when I smile.
To whom do I smile?
To YOU and all the people and myself, for who I am and who I become in each moment.
I also consider that The Smile is the password to any soul and is the perfect companion of Love, that attracts and truly transforms everyone and everything around.
Let’s Play “The Game Of Smile”
I encourage you to smile at the person next to you or the first unknown person you meet.
And let’s see what happens!
YOU give them a welcome break from their hectic life.
And YOU make them feel happy for a moment!
However, you will receive their happiness and a silent and joyful “Thank you!”
Accept it and be grateful!
Pure and Simple!
At The End
Do you want to know what my motto in life is?
“Be Yourself! Only this way you can be Authentic.”
BTW, do you know that you are outside the reflection of who you are inside?
God bless us all!